Sauce Hollandaise - Basics -

(extract from Egg Benedict post)

(extract from Egg Benedict post)


  • 2 egg yolk

  • 125 gr unsalted butter

  • 2 Tsp water

  • Lemon juice

  • Salt

You start by melting the butter in a double pan bath or a medium heated sauce pan. Once the butter is fully melted, it is important to remove the milk that separates from the butter.

Once you are ready with it, you need to get ready to stir like there is no tomorrow. In a double bath, you add the yolks the lemon juice and the water, and then you start to stir them until they get really foamy.

You then start to add slowly the clarified butter and you keep stirring until consistency is uniform and creamy. Here you need to be careful with the temperature. It should never get to 45deg C or it will break. If you think it’s getting too hot, then remove the bowl from the vapour for a while and then you’ll be fine.

Serve with Egg Benedict, Grilled salmon or asparagus


Sauce Bechamel -Basics-


Spaghetti Bolognese