Spaghetti Bolognese


the mighty Italian classic … no introduction needed, just time and good wine πŸ˜„

Ingredients (for 4 people):

  • 1 onion

  • 1 carrot

  • 1 celery

  • 3 garlic cloves

  • 250 gr minced meat (pork and beef)

  • basil, romarin, laurel

  • tomato concentrate

  • 2 cups vegetable stock

  • 20 cl red wine


Start by finely chopping the onion, carrot and the celery as small as you can. Then add the vegetables in a pan with 2 tsps of oil to make a sofrito.


Keep the temperature high to make sure the vegetables become soft and tender. Then add the minced meat and the spring of romarin into the mix. Stir frequently to avoid letting the meat or the vegetables burn, but securing that the water from the meat evaporates.


Once the meat is crispy, add the wine, the stock and the tomato concentrate. Then lower the temperature to low (keeping a small simmering) and add the laurel leave. Let simmer uncovered for 1 hour (… yes 1 hour! this is good slow food people!)

During this time, stir occasionally and keep an eye on the bitterness of the sauce. If it starts to become bitter, then remove the laurel leave. Also, if the sauce becomes too dry, then add a bit of additional stock and tomato concentrate.


Almost at the end, prepare the spaghetti in a large pot and enough salty water and make sure it is well al-dente (not overcooked).

Once the pasta and the sauce are ready, then serve the pasta with the sauce on top and add fresh basil and grated parmiggiano cheese. Serve with red wine with plenty of tannins.



There are a couple of good variants in the internet, so don’t hesitate to try what fits you best. Here are 2 of my favourites:


Sauce Hollandaise - Basics -


Opa’s Meat sauce