Tagliatelle Funghi




  • 400 gr tagliatelle

  • Champignons (traditional, Steinpilz, Paris for example)

  • 2 Shallots

  • 1 Garlic clove

  • 2 Tsp Creme fraiche

  • 2 tsp Cream cheese

  • 20-30 ml creme liquide

  • 40 ml vegetable stock

  • Thyme


Start by chopping very finely the shallots and garlic clove. Then proceed to fry them over a hot pan in oil and butter. Once they are glazing, add the champignons sliced in thin layers until golden.

Add the vegetable stock and lower the temperature to medium. Then add the Cream Cheese, the Creme fraiche and the creme liquide.

Add salt, thyme and pepper to your preference and then slow cook for about 10 min until very creamy, frequently moving the sauce. (You could also add a drop of limoncello, but it risks to be too bitter for the children)

In parallel, prepare the tagliatelle as instructed in the pack until al dente. Then put the pasta in a pasta bowl and serve the sauce on top. Grate some parmigiano cheese. Adding some finely chopped basil or parsley is a great touch.



Homemade Pasta


Cooking with the kids