Homemade Pasta

Drying home-made tagliatelle

Drying home-made tagliatelle

This one is really simple…. there is no better pasta than home-made one…. period! 😉

Especially if you have a Kitchen Aid and the pasta tools, then you will get inspired right away and will start trying everything… tagliatelle… spaghetti…even ravioli….

Yes, it can be long and tricky at the beginning, but once you get the hand on it, you will have difficulty to go back to the typical dehydrated pack. The best part of it, is that you can start to experiment with different types of flour to make it more hearty or softer depending on the dish.

For the kids, in addition, it is quite fun to make the dough and help out with the pasta cutting.

The best recipe I have found is this one from Little Kitchen, so don’t hesitate to have a look and try it out.

and then without further ado….



Crispy Panfried Salmon w/ tagliatelle


Tagliatelle Funghi