Salmon & Cream “Schupfnudeln”


The “Schupfnudeln” is a very typical south German dish, that is frequently served salty or sweet. It is a sort of gnocchi or dumpling, that marries very well with bacon and cheese and is very famous in the Bayern & Baden-Württemberg areas.

This time, i’m making a small variation to serve it with Salmon, cream and dill, as we can find very good fresh salmon here in north Germany.

This dish is very quick to prepare and therefore it is perfect as a mid-day meal between meetings and home-schooling.

Here you have the recipe:

Ingredients (serving 4):

  • 700 gr Schupfnudeln

  • 3 filets smoked salmon

  • 1 large shallot

  • 2 large spoons of Creme Fraiche

  • 1 large spoon of Cream cheese

  • Dill, butter & grated Parmesan cheese.

1- Put in a large pan at medium heat the Schupfnudeln with 1 or 2 tsp of butter, and cook until golden.

2- Finely slice the shallot and the smoked salmon and add them to the schupfnudeln.

3- Add the cream cheese and the crème fraîche. Stir frequently to evenly distribute it and let simmer for a couple of minutes.

4- Add dill, salt and finish up with a hand of grated Parmesan cheese.

Serve with a green salat and Enjoy!


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