how did we come here?

And covid turned our foodie’s world upside down !

We are a very lucky couple … we had the chance of meeting in Barcelona, Spain when the city was the centre of the cultural world. Everyone was there! And we went out frequently to many great restaurants to get to know each other and the best cuisine the city had to offer (at reasonable prices of course…we were students at the time)

Since then we had the opportunity of travelling and living in many countries, and the pleasure of good food is what we focus on the most. It’s funny, but even now, we can still remember places by the dishes we had…

The Egg Benedict in NYC’s Nice Matin ….

…. the Steak Monsieur at Toulouse’s Meet the Meat ….

…… the Cheesecake at Hamburg’s Brooklyn Burger Bar …..

it’s like good food has the power of linking feelings, places, people and conversations ….

We did cook at home regularly, but not really trying new dishes or in such a way that we needed to plan ahead very much.

But then Covid appeared and we drastically reduced our dinner outs… which was dreadful at the beginning, but then… we said let’s step it up at home.

We started planning our dishes in line with our work schedules and making sure that what we cook is healthy, delicious and good for the kids too. We started simple…. but then people emptied our supermarket 🙄….

Hamburg market . March 2020

Hamburg market . March 2020

… so we then started doing our own pasta and baking bread and cakes. We started alternating vegetarian dishes with great meat plates and even some asian inspired meals. We even started cooking with the kids so that they start to learn about good food and balanced meals.

But honestly, at first we struggled to find the right recipes or the right ideas for the kids. Most cooking books we had offered recipes that were either too complex or too spicy for the kids.

With time we gained enough experience and enough variety in our home-made menu…. so now we said let’s share this knowledge….

And here we are today… as the pandemic is unfortunately not receding … it is unlikely that we will be going back to restaurants soon… and with renewed energy we are getting ready for autumn at home and learning and sharing new ideas and recipes.


NYC Egg Benedict